correctional school造句


  1. Many associated the word with reform or correctional schools for example ."
  2. He also designed state correctional schools in Nevada.
  3. He did one of them at a Maryland correctional school, where participants were banned from the regular public school system because of repeatEd fiolence and possession of weapons.
  4. Finally the school orders him to be transferred to a correctional school but, from the recommendation of Kenny Papescu, Robert convinces his parents to let him attend Wheaton, a private school.
  5. The Diagnostic Unit, the Pine Bluff Unit, and the Randall L . Williams Correctional Facility are in the " Pine Bluff Complex, " as are the headquarters of the Arkansas Correctional School system.
  6. It's difficult to find correctional school in a sentence. 用correctional school造句挺難的
  7. Once a correctional school for girls, the unlovely concrete-block construction is ridiculously inappropriate for an institution of higher learning _ as the syllabus would undoubtedly have it _ but the staff does its best.
  8. Later, the space had quite a number of uses such as a dance hall, an army depot and barracks, a correctional school called Mamelucos, a mental hospital, and a storage facility for Customs.
  9. As Veranis was incarcerated in 1950 at Lyman Correctional School, he was anonymously involved in the Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency ( UJD ) study conducted by Harvard University professors Sheldon Glueck and Eleanor ( Touroff ) Glueck, discovering the causes of juvenile delinquency and adult crime and assessing the overall effectiveness of correctional treatment in controlling criminal careers.
  10. President Chicago Rabbinical Assn, 1942; member : National Advisory Board anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith; member : executive board of the Council of the New York anti-Defamation League; member, national administrative committee, American Jewish Congress; member, national advisory council, Jewish National Fund; Chairman, committee on public schools, New York Board of Rabbis; member, executive board, Henry Hudson School for Brain Injured Children, NYC; Lecturer on Jewish Theology, Oberlin College Graduate School, 1953; Trustee, Hadley Correctional School for the Blind; Member, United Service Organization Council, Chicago; Member National Jewish Welfare Board and its Committee on Army and Navy religious activities; Representative of the United Jewish Appeal to Europe, North Africa, Israel ( 1952 53 ); Chairman, Bronx Urban League; member, executive board Urban League of Greater NY; member, the Bronx Council of the Boy Scouts; executive board, Bronx section, the National Conference of Christians and Jews; member, Editorial Board, " The Reconstructionist "; Chairman, Editorial Board, " The American Zionist "; contributor to religious and other journals.


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